Create custom dashboards with LinkedIn’s API, or use pre-built dashboards and metrics to gain value quickly. The only way to be in trouble is to disclose your password to a third party. Then, you can draft your article in the space directly under your company’s logo. The FT posts each week a video that runs five minutes, which gives a preview of the week’s news. It also features 60-second stories, such as Tuesday’s launch by Space X’s Falcon Heavy. The Economist’s video about artificially-grown meat has garnered more than 2,000 likes and comments. CNBC International doesn’t do native video tests with LinkedIn. However, videos made by the International team, such as this Davos explainer, have gotten 500 likes and a dozen comments since it was published on CNBC International’s official page.
CNBC International has had an infrequent growth in page-followers despite its business and finance content being a natural fit on the platform. Cristy Garratt is head of digital video at CNBC International. She said that publishers had informed her that they are receiving impressive views and distribution of videos and are seeing a promising increase in the number of followers since they joined the pilot. In retrospect, it’s no surprise that these LinkedIn posts seldom received more than 100 views. One of the biggest drawbacks is now being eliminated as LinkedIn Page Admins will now be able to post comments and like their posts as a brand. LinkedIn is slowing down and is approaching video to avoid making the same mistakes as Facebook and YouTube in brand security and measurement.
Other than branded content, LinkedIn hasn’t said how it intends to monetize its video content with ads according to publishers in the U.K. Real-time electronic communication is designed to decrease or eliminate the delay between messages being received and sent, making use of functions like video conferencing, chat, and VoIP voice over Internet protocol which is calling using an Internet connection. The Economist, Financial Times, and Business Insider UK joined the native video pilot in Dec. Publishers such as the Financial Times, The Economist, and CNBC in the United website States believe it is more difficult for smaller media companies to reach large audiences than those of larger sizes, while Facebook was the more level playing field.